Skincare Conditioning Alkaline Wash
Consultation- Alkaline Wash
$100, allow 60mins, non redeemable on products nor other treatments)
includes Skin Scope diagnosis and also at each treatment if requested
You are more than welcome to come in for an Alkaline Consultation. We will
Alkaline Wash Treatment - hair removal
$150, allow 60mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Lactic acid is a large, slow penetrating molecule derived from milk. It benefits the skin by dissolving the glue that binds dead skin cells to the skin at the same time as hydrating. Therefore great for anyone wanting a mild exfoliation to clear and plump the superficial layers of the skin.
Alkaline Wash Treatment- hair removal and skin revision
from $150, allow 75mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Salicylic acid is a molecule derived from pumpkin seeds. It benefits the skin by helping to fade darker areas and drying out sebacous activity, acts as a great pore cleaner.
Alkaline Wash & Enzyme Treatment
from $225, allow 120mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
1+ layers of AHA and BHA solutions are applied to the face for enhanced results.
Skincare Conditioning Alkaline Wash
Consultation- Alkaline Wash
$100, allow 60mins, non redeemable on products nor other treatments)
includes Skin Scope diagnosis and also at each treatment if requested
You are more than welcome to come in for an Alkaline Consultation. We will
Alkaline Wash Treatment - hair removal
$150, allow 60mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Lactic acid is a large, slow penetrating molecule derived from milk. It benefits the skin by dissolving the glue that binds dead skin cells to the skin at the same time as hydrating. Therefore great for anyone wanting a mild exfoliation to clear and plump the superficial layers of the skin.
Alkaline Wash Treatment- hair removal and skin revision
from $150, allow 75mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Salicylic acid is a molecule derived from pumpkin seeds. It benefits the skin by helping to fade darker areas and drying out sebacous activity, acts as a great pore cleaner.
Alkaline Wash & Enzyme Treatment
from $225, allow 120mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
1+ layers of AHA and BHA solutions are applied to the face for enhanced results.
Skincare Conditioning Alkaline Wash
Consultation- Alkaline Wash
$100, allow 60mins, non redeemable on products nor other treatments)
includes Skin Scope diagnosis and also at each treatment if requested
You are more than welcome to come in for an Alkaline Consultation. We will
Alkaline Wash Treatment - hair removal
$150, allow 60mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Lactic acid is a large, slow penetrating molecule derived from milk. It benefits the skin by dissolving the glue that binds dead skin cells to the skin at the same time as hydrating. Therefore great for anyone wanting a mild exfoliation to clear and plump the superficial layers of the skin.
Alkaline Wash Treatment- hair removal and skin revision
from $150, allow 75mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Salicylic acid is a molecule derived from pumpkin seeds. It benefits the skin by helping to fade darker areas and drying out sebacous activity, acts as a great pore cleaner.
Alkaline Wash & Enzyme Treatment
from $225, allow 120mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
1+ layers of AHA and BHA solutions are applied to the face for enhanced results.
Skincare Conditioning Alkaline Wash
Consultation- Alkaline Wash
$100, allow 60mins, non redeemable on products nor other treatments)
includes Skin Scope diagnosis and also at each treatment if requested
You are more than welcome to come in for an Alkaline Consultation. We will
Alkaline Wash Treatment - hair removal
$150, allow 60mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Lactic acid is a large, slow penetrating molecule derived from milk. It benefits the skin by dissolving the glue that binds dead skin cells to the skin at the same time as hydrating. Therefore great for anyone wanting a mild exfoliation to clear and plump the superficial layers of the skin.
Alkaline Wash Treatment- hair removal and skin revision
from $150, allow 75mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Salicylic acid is a molecule derived from pumpkin seeds. It benefits the skin by helping to fade darker areas and drying out sebacous activity, acts as a great pore cleaner.
Alkaline Wash & Enzyme Treatment
from $225, allow 120mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
1+ layers of AHA and BHA solutions are applied to the face for enhanced results.

Lash Lift & Lash Tint
$120, allow 75mins, compulsory after care serum $69
Lash Lift (no Tint)
$110, allow 75mins, compulsory after care serum $69
Lash Tint alone
$40, allow 25mins
Keratin Brow/Lash Booster treatment
$30, add on allow 10mins, stand alone treatment allow 15mins
Mineral Lash/Brow Booster or Vitamin Lash/Brow Booster is added to your Lash Lift/ Tint service, Brow Styling/ Tint service or can be performed as a stand alone treatment.
-Mineral Lash/Brow focuses on intense growth and promotes new hair growth. Perfect for clients with short lashes.
-Vitamin LashBrow is a product that instantly nourishes the hair and gives it health, thickness but keeps on working to promote length and fullness.
Lash Extension Removal
$40, allow 30mins
(only to remove the remnants if having other lash services with us)
What is a Lash Lift?
A lash lift is a treatment that uses a perming solution to curl/ lift your natural lashes from the roots. We use YUMi Lash brand which is our preferred choice after much research to maintain the health and integrity of the lashes.
Why is YUMI lash lift brand more superior to other lash lift brands?
It is a 'keratin' lash lift which means at the end, we apply a keratin serum which treats the lashes for the first 24hours, this is to prevent them drying out too much and maintain the integrity of the lash shaft's cuticle-YUMI LASHES compay has advanced training for their technicians-YUMI LASHES solutions achieve a powerful lift with less harsh chemicals
The Process:
-the eye area is cleansed using a water based eye makeup remover
-the eyes are closed and a silicone lash pad is adhered to the upper eyelid
-the upper lashes are adhered up onto the mould using a water soluble adhesive
-a lash perming solution is applied for 8-20 mins, followed by a lash setting solution for 10 mins, then a lash tint and nourishing agent
-watch a video of one of our VIP's having a Lash Lift here
How often can I have a Lash Lift?
-This treatment is recommended no sooner than 6 weekly, but preferably at 8 weekly intervals, ie every second brow maintenance appointment
-Most clients book their Lash Lift and Tints at the same time as their Brow Colour & Sculpt appointment every 8 weeks. They will then have a Brow Colour & Sculpt and Lash Tint at the halfway mark ie at 4 weeks.
-Please make sure the lashes are fully returned to normal before having your next Lash Lift appointment. We can’t lift already lifted lashes, even if some are lifted and some are not. This is to prevent breakage and also to prevent the lashes being curled too far backwards.
How long does it last?
Depending on your natural hair texture, results differ for each person however most people get 6-8 weeks out of their treatment. By default, we book lash lift appointments at 8 week intervals. If you have been to us before and we are aware that your lashes are ready before then, we may allow more frequent appointments.
Most clients find that their results are maximised when using the after care products regularly.
How long does a Lash Lift appointment take?
Depending on your natural hair texture, timing differs for each person however we book out 90mins for a new client and 75mins for returning clients.
What aftercare is recommended?
-For the first 24 hours, avoid wetting the lashes including washing with water/ swimming/ steam rooms etc.
-For the first 24 hours, avoid using any products on the lashes including cleansers and mascara.
-For the first 24 hours, the lashes are still mouldable. Avoid changing the direction of the lashes during this period including rubbing them or sleeping on them. (If possible, try and avoid sleeping on your side/front anyway between Lash Lifts.)
-Please avoid using lash curlers until the lashes have returned to normal (usually about 8 weeks) and avoid wearing water proof mascara.
-Avoid lash extensions until the lashes have returned to normal. You can however have regular false individual or strip lashes applied for special occasion makeup providing they are able to be removed with regular makeup remover.
What homecare products do I need to use?
-Because the lashes are so curled, mascara appliaction can result in getting mascara markings all around the eyes. Use a water resistant tubular mascara which dries and can be flicked off the skin using a dry cotton bud and can be removed without harsh removers. We recommend PONi The White Knight $32 or Skin O2 Fake Look Lash Mascara $42.
-A perming solution is a chemical therefore your lashes will need to be combed and treated using an oil to replace any lipid loss. We recommend YUMI Nourish Aftercare Serum $69 every night for a minimum of 8 weeks. (Castor oil can be combed through the lashes as a daily treatment too.)
-REVIVE 7 Lash Growth serum $175 daily for three months then every second/ three times per week after that. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT OR BREASTFEEDING.
Can I have a lash lift during my Cosmetic Tattoo appointment?
Yes, this is the most commonly requested treatment. It finishes off the eye area and makes you feel less washed out when your Cosmetic Lip/Brow Tattoo is super fresh. However if you are having your Eyeliner tattooed, you will need to choose to have this service at least 24 hours before your appointment.
Do I have to have a Lash Tint with a Lash Lift?
We recommend you do because it adds more wow effect, however if you are allergic or prefer not to, please book a service with no tint and let us know at your appointment.
Can I have a lash lift when I have lash extensions on?
No, the natural lash needs to be free of lash extensions to have a lift. Please organise to have your lashes removed from your extension provider before your lift appointment with us :)
What maintenance is there between lash lift appointments?
Lash Lifts are "low maintenance" not "no maintenance"! Most clients find that their results are maximised when using the after care products regularly (above). We recommend adding on a Keratin Lash/ Brow Booster to your lash services. This can be also be added to your in between Lash Tint (4 weeks after your Lash Lift).
Who is/ isn't eligible?
-Most people are eligible, and it is especially designed those who have straight lashes.
-You are unable to have a Lash Lift if you have lash extensions on.
-No problems if you wear contact lenses, bring your case along and remove them for the duration of the appointment, or wear your glasses instead.
-If you suffer from severely watery/ sensitive eyes or anxiety when you have your eyes closed and someone is manoeuvring them.
Extra Notes:
-please come to your appointment with no makeup on the eye area, if you are coming straight from somewhere where you have had to wear eye makeup, at least avoid wearing waterproof mascara to your appointment
-most clients have this at the same time as a Brow tattoo appointment to finish off the eye area and so they can reduce the amount of makeup worn during the tattoo healing period
Want to know more??
-the difference between a lash lift and lash perm is that the shape of the lash lift mould lifts the lashes straight up from the roots rather than perming them on a curved rod therefore there is less chance of the lashes curling backwards, often a lash lifting solution is less aggressive and takes longer to process reducing the chance of keratin damage
Can I have lash lifts during pregnancy and breast feeding?
Yes, you can. However your hormones will be fluctuating and there is always more chance of a reaction during periods of hormonal changes. Please check with your Doctor if this treatment is suitable for you; any cosmetic treatments are always at your own risk.
During pregnancy, we recommend that you have your Lash Lift with Jaz or Brooke in our Brow chair (sitting) rather than with Emma Rose who uses the beauty bed (laying down flat).
How often do I need to leave between appointments?
Lash lifts can be spaced at minimum of 6 week but preferably 8 week intervals between appointments. Even if you have waited out the 8 week period, your lashes will still need to be returned to normal and in a healthy condition before your next lash lift.
Most clients have a Brow Colour & Sculpt and Lash Lift & Tint service every 8 weeks, and a Brow Colour & Sculpt and Lash Tint with Keratin Booster in between at around 4 weeks.
Please see our Brow & Lash Design webpage for our Brow & Lash package prices.