Skincare Conditioning Alkaline Wash
Consultation- Alkaline Wash
$100, allow 60mins, non redeemable on products nor other treatments)
includes Skin Scope diagnosis and also at each treatment if requested
You are more than welcome to come in for an Alkaline Consultation. We will
Alkaline Wash Treatment - hair removal
$150, allow 60mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Lactic acid is a large, slow penetrating molecule derived from milk. It benefits the skin by dissolving the glue that binds dead skin cells to the skin at the same time as hydrating. Therefore great for anyone wanting a mild exfoliation to clear and plump the superficial layers of the skin.
Alkaline Wash Treatment- hair removal and skin revision
from $150, allow 75mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Salicylic acid is a molecule derived from pumpkin seeds. It benefits the skin by helping to fade darker areas and drying out sebacous activity, acts as a great pore cleaner.
Alkaline Wash & Enzyme Treatment
from $225, allow 120mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
1+ layers of AHA and BHA solutions are applied to the face for enhanced results.
Skincare Conditioning Alkaline Wash
Consultation- Alkaline Wash
$100, allow 60mins, non redeemable on products nor other treatments)
includes Skin Scope diagnosis and also at each treatment if requested
You are more than welcome to come in for an Alkaline Consultation. We will
Alkaline Wash Treatment - hair removal
$150, allow 60mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Lactic acid is a large, slow penetrating molecule derived from milk. It benefits the skin by dissolving the glue that binds dead skin cells to the skin at the same time as hydrating. Therefore great for anyone wanting a mild exfoliation to clear and plump the superficial layers of the skin.
Alkaline Wash Treatment- hair removal and skin revision
from $150, allow 75mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Salicylic acid is a molecule derived from pumpkin seeds. It benefits the skin by helping to fade darker areas and drying out sebacous activity, acts as a great pore cleaner.
Alkaline Wash & Enzyme Treatment
from $225, allow 120mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
1+ layers of AHA and BHA solutions are applied to the face for enhanced results.
Skincare Conditioning Alkaline Wash
Consultation- Alkaline Wash
$100, allow 60mins, non redeemable on products nor other treatments)
includes Skin Scope diagnosis and also at each treatment if requested
You are more than welcome to come in for an Alkaline Consultation. We will
Alkaline Wash Treatment - hair removal
$150, allow 60mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Lactic acid is a large, slow penetrating molecule derived from milk. It benefits the skin by dissolving the glue that binds dead skin cells to the skin at the same time as hydrating. Therefore great for anyone wanting a mild exfoliation to clear and plump the superficial layers of the skin.
Alkaline Wash Treatment- hair removal and skin revision
from $150, allow 75mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Salicylic acid is a molecule derived from pumpkin seeds. It benefits the skin by helping to fade darker areas and drying out sebacous activity, acts as a great pore cleaner.
Alkaline Wash & Enzyme Treatment
from $225, allow 120mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
1+ layers of AHA and BHA solutions are applied to the face for enhanced results.
Skincare Conditioning Alkaline Wash
Consultation- Alkaline Wash
$100, allow 60mins, non redeemable on products nor other treatments)
includes Skin Scope diagnosis and also at each treatment if requested
You are more than welcome to come in for an Alkaline Consultation. We will
Alkaline Wash Treatment - hair removal
$150, allow 60mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Lactic acid is a large, slow penetrating molecule derived from milk. It benefits the skin by dissolving the glue that binds dead skin cells to the skin at the same time as hydrating. Therefore great for anyone wanting a mild exfoliation to clear and plump the superficial layers of the skin.
Alkaline Wash Treatment- hair removal and skin revision
from $150, allow 75mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Salicylic acid is a molecule derived from pumpkin seeds. It benefits the skin by helping to fade darker areas and drying out sebacous activity, acts as a great pore cleaner.
Alkaline Wash & Enzyme Treatment
from $225, allow 120mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
1+ layers of AHA and BHA solutions are applied to the face for enhanced results.

Cosmetic Brow Tattoo Eligibility Check
Are you interested in Cosmetic Tattoo? We would hate for you to hype yourself into it only to be rejected and sent home tattooless at your appointment! Let's avoid disappointment and wasting your precious time- before we proceed to schedule you an appointment, we will need to check if you are eligible. Please read through all questions below. If all is clear, you may go ahead and request a booking here, then follow these instructions immediately below. If you are unsure if you are eligible, please submit a Booking Request Form and include all information that makes you question your eligibility.
Once you have submitted your Booking Request Form, please send through photos (up close, focused, good lighting, no makeup) of the areas to be treated to Emma Rose by email emmarose@thistleandrose.com.au to letting her know. Please also take time to read through the information on the FAQ's & Forms page.
Failure to disclose any information, or bypassing the cosmetic tattoo eligibility check will mean you will not be tattooed and your deposit will be forfeited. You will not be offered any future appointments with Thistle and Rose.
Cosmetic Tattoo Eligibility Check Questions
As well as reading through the questions below, please make yourself familiar with the FAQ's & Forms page.
-Are you 18 years of age or older?
In Australia, you must be 18 years of age or older to have cosmetic brow tattoo, ID may be requested for anyone who looks under 25 years of age, please do not be offended.
Parents/legal guardians, if your child 16 years or over requires cosmetic tattoo as a result of a medical condition, please make contact on their behalf.
-Are you pregnant?
You can not have cosmetic tattooing during pregnancy. Please book for after birth. You are able to have cosmetic tattoo immediately after birth however 12 months post birth is generally a good waiting period in order for the body to heal and rebalance hormones. More often than not, most women have tattooing much sooner with the advice of their medical practitioner.
-Are you planning on falling pregnant? including actively trying, IVF and pregnancy preparation
If you are actively trying to conceive, please wait until after birth to have your cosmetic tattoo procedure. If you are planning on falling pregnant but wish to have your cosmetic tattoo prior, please make sure you do not actually try and conceive until after the refinement tattoo.
-Are you breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding women are advised to wait until you have finished breastfeeding before being tattooed. If you wish to have tattooing during breastfeeding, it is at your own risk. Please do your own research on the implications of cosmetic tattoo whilst breastfeeding paying particular interest to the use of topical anaesthetics, the risk of infection and pigment colour change/retention when the body is still healing and hormones are settling. You will need to consult with your medical practitioner and obtain clearance on a medical certificate and present this at your appointment. Please mention this in your Booking Request Form.
-Are you wanting to correct asymmetry?
Please mention this in your Booking Request Form and follow up by sending through photos of the area (clear, focused, up close, good lighting, no makeup on the area). You may want to consider muscle relaxants minimum of two weeks before or after your treatment. Please note, perfection is impossible.
-Do you have existing cosmetic tattoos?
Please mention any previous cosmetic tattoo in your Booking Request Form and follow up by sending through photos of the area (clear, focused, up close, good lighting, no makeup on the area). Emma Rose will then be able to gauge whether she is able to treat you.
-Do you have any regular body tattoos?
If there have been any problems, please mention these in your Booking Request Form.
-Do you have any active infections?
You are most likely unable to be treated until you are cleared- check with Emma Rose and also your Medical Practitioner.
-Have you had any cosmetic injectables to the area?
If you have had muscle relaxants such as Botox and Dysport near the area to be tattooed, please make sure your last treatment was at least 2 weeks before the tattoo and wait at least 2 weeks after a tattoo. If you have had muscle relaxants to balance facial symmetry in the area to be tattooed, it depends on individual cases as to whether you would need cosmetic tattoo before or after the injectables- please mention this in your Booking Request Form.
For dermal fillers, you will need to wait 2 weeks to be tattooed in the same area, and 2 weeks after your tattoo.
Please mention all injectables in your Booking Request Form.
-Have you had any problems with topical anaesthetics or injected anaesthetics ie from the dentist before ?
Thistle and Rose uses a combination of topical anaesthetics. The first round is a pre numbing cream and the second round is a liquid/gel containing adrenaline to be used on open skin. Please discuss any previous issues with topical anaesthetics BEFORE booking your appointment. It is almost impossible to have a cosmetic tattoo without the second round of topical anaesthetic due to bleeding.
-Do you have any allergies?
Please mention any allergies in your Booking Request Form.
-Do you have or have you had any medical conditions?
Most medical conditions are fine however please Please mention any medical conditions in your Booking Request Form. Some medical conditions will require a medical certificate from your Doctor.
Those diagnosed with cancer who are wanting their cosmetic tattoo before losing their hair, please make contact immediately as tattoo needs to be done BEFORE chemo.
-Are you taking any, or recently taken any medications?
Most medications are fine but please mention any medications in your Booking Request Form. Some medications are contraindications to cosmetic tattoo, and some are ok to take at the same time but may require a medical certificate from your Doctor.
-Do you suffer from cold sores/ are you a carrier of the herpes simplex virus?
If you are having your brow or eyelids tattooed, it is unlikely that there will be any complications.
If you are interested in having your lips tattoed, it would be advisable not continue the with the treatment as there is a high risk of a cold sore outbreak. This can cause scarring and affect the healed result of your tattoo. Please discuss this with your Medical Practitioner if you wish to continue with treatment, and make contact with Emma Rose to discuss before booking. You MAY like to prep by taking Lysine preventative tablets for at least 6 weeks before the tattoo and you WILL need to take Famvir tablets (both available from the pharmacy). Please also mention this in your Booking Request Form.
-Are you a heavy bleeder or bruiser?
It is fine to have cosmetic tattoo however your healed result may be affected. Please check with your Medical Practitioner if you can take Arnica pillules (small oral pills NOT topical treatment) for the 24 hours leading up to your treatment.
-Do you have any blood clotting conditions?
Please consult with your Medical Practitioner and gain a Medical Certificate clearing you to have the treatment. If there have been any problems, please discuss these before booking.
-Do you have HIV/AIDS?
Please consult with your Medical Practitioner and obtain a Medical Certificate clearing you to have the treatment which you will need to bring to your appointment with you. Please discuss this with Emma Rose before booking your appointment
-Are you taking any supplements?
Please mention any supplements/ herbal remedies in your Booking Request Form.
-Are you taking any fish oils?
Fish oils thin the blood which causes the wound to reject pigment therefore often results in poor tattoo retention. If you are taking them for a boost please discontinue use for a MINIMUM of 7 days prior to your procedure, preferably longer. If you have been advised to take them for medical reasons, please consult with your medical practitioner. Never stop medication without your practitioners advice. If for a medical reason, you are unable to stop fish oil, please mention this in your Booking Request Form to assess if you can proceed to have your cosmetic tattoo- medical clearance and a medical certificate will need to be obtained.
-Are you taking HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)?
HRT or hormonal medications/remedies may cause cosmetic pigment to fade quicker and change in colour down to the pigments base tone. If you are willing to proceed with this in mind, that is fine.
-Do you have any hormonal imbalances including thyroid conditions?
Hormonal imbalances and medications/remedies may cause cosmetic pigment to fade quicker and change in colour down to the pigments base tone. If you are willing to proceed with this in mind, that is fine.
-Do you have a history of keloid scarring?
Please mention keloid scarring in your Booking Request Form and follow up by sending through photos of your keloid scarring (clear, focused, up close, good lighting, no makeup on the area). You will need to obtain clearance from your Doctor and sign an extra consent form.
-Have you had reactions to any beauty treatments before including hair dye, tints, henna?
Please mention any moles/scars in your Booking Request Form. You may need to have a Test Patch first depending on what you have reacted to.
-Have you had any reactions to any medical treatments before including anaesthesia?
Please mention any reactions in your Booking Request Form.
-Do you have any skin conditions in or near the area to be tattooed? ie eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, capillaries
Please mention any skin conditions in your Booking Request Form and follow up by sending through photos of the area (clear, focused, up close, good lighting, no makeup on the area).
-Do you have any moles or skin cancers in or near the area?
Please mention any moles/scars in your Booking Request Form and follow up by sending through photos of the area (clear, focused, up close, good lighting, no makeup on the area). If you are wanting to have your mole removed, it is best to wait 12 months after removal until the site is tattooed, but may be able to be tattooed earlier at your Drs and Emma Rose's discretion.
-Do you have any scars in or near the area?
Please mention this in your Booking Request Form. It is best to wait 12 months after trauma/ scar was created until the site is tattooed, but may be able to be tattooed earlier at your Drs and Emma Rose's discretion. Some scar tissue may not retain cosmetic pigment.
-Are you using topical hair growth serums?
Please refrain from using hair growth serums to the area for at least 3 months before your cosmetic tattoo. Please wait until at least 3 months after your Refinement visit to continue using again, with the knowledge that it may reduce the longevity of your tattoo.
-Do you take any stimulants? ie gym pre work out, caffeine
Gym pre work out thins the blood and increases sensation. Please refrain from using these for 7 days prior to your tattoo.
Caffeine and sugars stimulate the nervous system. Please refrain from consuming these stimulants for the 24hours leading up to your tattoo.
-Do you suffer from mental illness? ie anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia
Please mention this in your Booking Request Form.
-Do you have any social events planned?
It is advised to take this into consideration before booking as a tattoo takes 7-14days to settle in appearance and 4 weeks until fully healed. You are unable to wear makeup on the area, but are required to use a shiny post tattoo colour protection cream for 7 days after your treatment. You are welcome to wear makeup anywhere else on your face.
-Do you have any upcoming activities planned that include swimming?
You will be unable to wet the brows for 7 days and unable to swim in fresh water, salt water or chlorinated water for 7-14 days (depending on peeling/scabbing).
-Do you have any activities planned that include heat, perspiration, sport?
You will be unable to exercise/ sweat for 7 days post tattoo so please book accordingly.
-Are there exfoliants or active ingredients in your skincare regime?
Avoid exfoliants and active ingredients to and around the area for 30 days before and after your appointment, please book accordingly.
-Have you had any recent facial treatments?
Avoid facial treatments to and around the area for 30 days before and after your appointment, please book accordingly.
-Have you had any burns in the area to be treated? including sunburn, windburn and chemical burn
Please wait until the area has healed and returned to normal, at least 6 weeks post burn before having your cosmetic tattoo.
-Do you regularly donate or plan to?
It is a worldwide regulation that you are unable to donate blood for 4 months after your tattoo.
-Do you wish to have a test patch before your tattoo?
Please mention this in your booking request form so we can tattoo a small inconspicuous area such as behind your ear to check for any adverse reactions. This needs to be a minimum of 7 days before your Initial tattoo appointment.
CONGRATS!!! You have made it through the eligibility check!
Please use the Booking Request Form on the Book Now page.
I look forward to enhancing your features!