Skincare Conditioning Alkaline Wash
Consultation- Alkaline Wash
$100, allow 60mins, non redeemable on products nor other treatments)
includes Skin Scope diagnosis and also at each treatment if requested
You are more than welcome to come in for an Alkaline Consultation. We will
Alkaline Wash Treatment - hair removal
$150, allow 60mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Lactic acid is a large, slow penetrating molecule derived from milk. It benefits the skin by dissolving the glue that binds dead skin cells to the skin at the same time as hydrating. Therefore great for anyone wanting a mild exfoliation to clear and plump the superficial layers of the skin.
Alkaline Wash Treatment- hair removal and skin revision
from $150, allow 75mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Salicylic acid is a molecule derived from pumpkin seeds. It benefits the skin by helping to fade darker areas and drying out sebacous activity, acts as a great pore cleaner.
Alkaline Wash & Enzyme Treatment
from $225, allow 120mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
1+ layers of AHA and BHA solutions are applied to the face for enhanced results.
Skincare Conditioning Alkaline Wash
Consultation- Alkaline Wash
$100, allow 60mins, non redeemable on products nor other treatments)
includes Skin Scope diagnosis and also at each treatment if requested
You are more than welcome to come in for an Alkaline Consultation. We will
Alkaline Wash Treatment - hair removal
$150, allow 60mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Lactic acid is a large, slow penetrating molecule derived from milk. It benefits the skin by dissolving the glue that binds dead skin cells to the skin at the same time as hydrating. Therefore great for anyone wanting a mild exfoliation to clear and plump the superficial layers of the skin.
Alkaline Wash Treatment- hair removal and skin revision
from $150, allow 75mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Salicylic acid is a molecule derived from pumpkin seeds. It benefits the skin by helping to fade darker areas and drying out sebacous activity, acts as a great pore cleaner.
Alkaline Wash & Enzyme Treatment
from $225, allow 120mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
1+ layers of AHA and BHA solutions are applied to the face for enhanced results.
Skincare Conditioning Alkaline Wash
Consultation- Alkaline Wash
$100, allow 60mins, non redeemable on products nor other treatments)
includes Skin Scope diagnosis and also at each treatment if requested
You are more than welcome to come in for an Alkaline Consultation. We will
Alkaline Wash Treatment - hair removal
$150, allow 60mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Lactic acid is a large, slow penetrating molecule derived from milk. It benefits the skin by dissolving the glue that binds dead skin cells to the skin at the same time as hydrating. Therefore great for anyone wanting a mild exfoliation to clear and plump the superficial layers of the skin.
Alkaline Wash Treatment- hair removal and skin revision
from $150, allow 75mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Salicylic acid is a molecule derived from pumpkin seeds. It benefits the skin by helping to fade darker areas and drying out sebacous activity, acts as a great pore cleaner.
Alkaline Wash & Enzyme Treatment
from $225, allow 120mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
1+ layers of AHA and BHA solutions are applied to the face for enhanced results.
Skincare Conditioning Alkaline Wash
Consultation- Alkaline Wash
$100, allow 60mins, non redeemable on products nor other treatments)
includes Skin Scope diagnosis and also at each treatment if requested
You are more than welcome to come in for an Alkaline Consultation. We will
Alkaline Wash Treatment - hair removal
$150, allow 60mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Lactic acid is a large, slow penetrating molecule derived from milk. It benefits the skin by dissolving the glue that binds dead skin cells to the skin at the same time as hydrating. Therefore great for anyone wanting a mild exfoliation to clear and plump the superficial layers of the skin.
Alkaline Wash Treatment- hair removal and skin revision
from $150, allow 75mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
Salicylic acid is a molecule derived from pumpkin seeds. It benefits the skin by helping to fade darker areas and drying out sebacous activity, acts as a great pore cleaner.
Alkaline Wash & Enzyme Treatment
from $225, allow 120mins
includes Skin Scope diagnosis at each treatment
1+ layers of AHA and BHA solutions are applied to the face for enhanced results.

Corrections & Tattoo Removal / Lightening
POA, please send through photos and your history to our email emmarose@thistleandrose.com.au
We would like to see the following photos;
-full face with no makeup on (current)
-up close of Brows with no makeup on (current)
-hairs brushed down with no makeup on (current)
-full face and up close of Brows before any tattoo work
-full face and up close of Brows immediately after/ healed after previous tattoo work
We require the following information about your history (copy and paste these questions along with the answer replies into an email);
-please describe your current Brows?
-how many sessions of cosmetic tattoo have you previously had altogether?
-what date did you have each tattoo session?
-what styles of cosmetic tattoo have you had (i.e. the machine for shading or hair strokes, microblading for shading or hair strokes)
-where/ with whom did you have your cosmetic tattoo done?
-what are you hoping to achieve by coming to see us? Do you want your Brows completely removed, or lightened in colour? Balanced out covering existing pigment?
-can you think of any other information that may help us?
Correction work often costs more than an initial tattoo just to get the brow to a state where it can be further worked on. Often removal of existing tattoo and an extended healing period will be required before more pigment can be added. This meas that several treatments over several months may be recommended. If you need correction work, please contact Emma Rose direct, along with photos and details and photos of your brow status to check whether or not she is able to help you or what advice she can offer.
Estimate of Cosmetic Brow Tattoo procedures without removal/ lightening/ reduction;
-Initial Tattoo Treatment (including consult) $1050, allow 150mins, $90 for Post Tattoo Healing Balm
-Refinement Tattoo Treatment $350, allow 90mins (must be 4-8weeks after Initial Brow Tattoo)
Removal / Lightening
POA, generally $500 per session
This is saline removal only. Laser removal requires Doctor only application. Emma Rose is not legally allowed to operate laser in WA due to government regulations.
Removal work often costs more than an initial tattoo just to get the area to a state where it can be further worked on. Sometimes it is unable to be retattooed in the future. Often removal of existing tattoo and an extended healing period will be required before more pigment can be added. This means that several treatments over several months may be recommended.
There is a high risk of scarring with removal work therefore Emma Rose may not be able to treat all cases. If she doesn't think that she can make an area better, she will refuse to do your treatment.
If you need removal or correction work, please contact Emma Rose direct via email, along with photos and details and photos of your brow status to check whether or not she is able to help you or what advice she can offer.
Please submit a booking request form here and send through the following to our email emmarose@thistleandrose.com.au;
-what area of the face/ body you would like removed/ reduced/ lightened
-photos of the area you would like treated (up close, good quality, focused, several angles including side on and front on, no makeup on the areas,
-what tattoo treatments you have had in the past including the methods used
-how many tattoo treatments on the areas have you had and the approximate dates of the treatments
-what pigment brands were used on you, and whether it was cosmetic tattoo pigment or body tattoo ink
-ultimately what your goals are for the area
-whether or not you have contacted the original provider and what options they have offered for you
Emma Rose will then review your photos and information and let you know whether or not we can help you.