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Factor 4 Skin Needling Rejuvenation Facials



Factor 4 is an advanced, targeted anti ageing treatment derived from your body's own proteins. This natural formulation works to reduce lines and rejuvenate skin, giving you a more youthful complexion. Applications include scar revision, collagen stimulation, facial tightening, rehydration, regaining glow and brightening, improving skin laxity, general skin rejuvenation, pigmentation reduction, and piercing hole reduction.


To create your very own Factor4 formulation, we take a sample of your blood and incubate it using a patented scientific technique. After 6–9 hours of incubation, we remove the red blood cells from the plasma. The end-product is your own personalised Factor4 treatment serum, a highly-concentrated formulation of your own growth factor and cytokines. It may be used immediately (after the incubation period) or stored for up to 6 months for future sessions. We use the abbreviation "ACS" which stands for Autologous Conditioned Serum to name the Factor 4 serum that is harvested from your blood.


We then Skin Needle the face to puncture micro wounds in the skin. This creates channels allowing the Factor 4 serum absorption and growth factor stimulation. You will need to purchase home care to look after your skin for at least 7 days (expect a minimum of cleanser, hydration serum, anti ageing serum healing balm, SPF).


We have three methods of Skin Needling which can be used during your Factor 4 sessions; Micro, Stamp and Point needling, or a Combination of any of those. You can find out more about our Skin Needling options here. Most clients have Micro needling, or at least start with Micro needling if it is their first session here. â€‹At Thistle and Rose we specialise in custom Skin Needling treatments tailored to each clients skin concerns, at each appointment therefore we consult thoroughly to find out the main concerns of each patient.


The process is as follows;

-client comes in with no makeup on for a full consultation and blood is taken from clients arm and the client goes home

-the blood is then incubated in a machine at 37 degrees for 6-9 hours, then spun and separated in a centrifuge machine, this gives 4 units worth (1 unit of ACS blood serum required per session)

-all 4 units can be frozen and saved for later (up to 6 months) or 1 unit can be used immediately (later that day) and the remaining 3 units can be frozen for future treatments

-client will then return later that day/ the next day or any time as long as the harvested ACS (blood serum) will be frozen (up to 6 months)

-client will need to take care of their skin with the recommended homecare products between treatments

-client will have 4 Factor 4 needling treatments with minimum 5 day intervals, treatments need to be completed within a 6 month period


You can have your next session s little as 5-10 days later however we may suggest longer intervals between sessions depending on individual healing times. Your social activities may also need to be scheduled accordingly.


FAQ's (more coming soon);

-How is Factor 4 different from the vampire facial or PRP?

PRP is an abbreviation for Platelet Rich Plasma.

-If the blood is filtered, why can we not use it on someone else?

Even though the blood collection is incubated and then filtered to remove all cellular matter, bacteria and viruses, we 

-Can Factor 4 be performed on someone with blood born viruses such as HIV and Hepatitis?

Yes. We treat ALL patients to the highest safety standards including wearing gloves, labelling, disposing of clinical waste correctly. Please inform your clinician of any blood born viruses. We may request a medical note from your Doctor ensuring you are fit and well to have an invasive treatment performed which requires good healing.





Consult - Factor 4
$100 redeemable on treatment or products on the same day, allow 60mins

includes Skin Scope diagnosis during the consult (and also at each treatment if requested), home care product recommendations (you will need to purchase home care to look after your skin for at least 7 days; expect a minimum of cleanser, hydration serum, anti ageing serum healing balm, SPF).

Most clients have their consultation at the same time as their blood collection therefore are not charged separately for a consultation.

At the time of consultation, the different types of Skin Needling will be discussed.



Blood Collection
$280, allow 75mins,

Includes full Skin and factor 4 consultation, Skin Scope diagnosis during the consult (and also at each treatment if requested), home care product recommendations.

At the time of consultation, the different types of Skin Needling will be discussed (micro, stamp and point) and the best one will be chosen for you. Often it is best to have Micro Needling as a starting point.

Emma Rose will proceed to take a blood sample from the veins in your arm. Approximately 20mL is taken (2 tubes) however this will vary between clients- IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT TO COME IN HYDRATED and minimal caffeine, no dehydrators and no alcohol for the 24 hours before the blood collection. Blood collection is normally performed at 7am appointments as there is a 6-9 hour incubation period where your blood needs to be monitored after collection (we can't leave it overnight so this needs to have finished before close of business each day).

If we can't take the full 20mL sample due to poor hydration or difficult veins, the amount of ACS (blood serum) we can extract each treatment will have less ACS (blood serum) harvested from the blood sample.

Please let us know if you are on blood thinners as we may or may not be able to take blood, also advise of any other medical conditions or medications. At the time of booking please let us know if you have or have had 'difficult veins' to bleed in the past.



Factor 4 (per session)
$500 per session, allow 120mins, includes Skin Scope if requested

You will need to purchase home care to look after your skin for at least 7 days (expect a minimum of cleanser, hydration serum, anti ageing serum healing balm, SPF).

Your face (or other area i.e. neck/ decollote/ body) will be cleansed and prepped and 1 unit of your ALS blood serum will be thawed from the freezer (or used fresh if it is same day application as your blood collection). It will then be Skin Needled in. A moisturiser will be applied and you will then go home an take care of your skin for the next 7+ days.




Factor 4 (package of 4)
$2000, includes full consultation, blood collection is complimentary, four Factor 4 sessions within 6 months of blood collection.

$100 deposit to secure your initial appointment and then the remaining $1900 to be paid on the same day of your initial blood collection appointment).

You will still need to purchase home care to look after your skin for at least 7 days (expect a minimum of cleanser, hydration serum, anti ageing serum healing balm, SPF).

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